Practice Test(DOMAIN1)

Domain 1 Exam.

A minimum of 70% is required to pass.



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#1. What kind of person does the word sabotage, the root of the word sabotage, refer to?

Sabotage is an attack by an insider.

#2. Which international organizations are in place to help address the economic, social, and governance challenges of a globalized economy?

〇:Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development

Almost every country has its own set of rules regarding what constitutes private data and how it should be protected. With the advent of the digital and information age, these different laws have begun to adversely affect business and international trade. Thus, the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) created guidelines for different countries to ensure that data is properly protected and that everyone follows the same rules.



An organization that studies fraudulent financial reporting and which elements lead to them is fraudulent because the Committee of Sponsoring Organizations of the Treadway Commission (COSO) was established in 1985. The acronym COSO refers to a model of corporate governance that addresses IT at the strategic level, corporate culture, and financial accounting principles.


×:COBIT (Control Objectives for Information and Related Technology)

Incorrect, as this framework defines control objectives to ensure that IT is properly managed and that IT is responsive to business needs. It is an international open standard that provides control and security requirements for sensitive data and reference frameworks.


×:International Organization for Standardization (ISO)

Incorrect because it is an international standards organization composed of representatives of national standards bodies. Its purpose is to establish global standardization. But its standardization goes beyond the privacy of data moving across international borders. For example, some standards address quality control; others address assurance and security.

#3. Matthew, the company’s business continuity coordinator, helps recruit members to the Business Continuity Plan (BCP) Committee. Which of the following is an incorrect explanation?

〇:Meetings should be conducted with a fixed number of members and should be as small as possible.

The BCP committee should be large enough to represent each department within the organization. It should consist of people who are familiar with the different departments within the company, as each department has unique functions and unique risks and threats. All issues and threats will be formulated when they are brought in and discussed. This cannot be done effectively with a few divisions or a few people. The committee must consist of at least business unit, senior management, IT, security, communications, and legal personnel.

Conducting meetings with a fixed number of members and as few as possible is certainly not a misinterpretation of “elite few. However, one must know what is the “best” answer and answer it.


×:Committee members should be involved in the planning, testing, and implementation phases.

The answer is incorrect because it is correct that committee members need to be involved in the planning, testing, and implementation phases. If Matthew, the coordinator of the BCP, is a good business leader, he will consider that it is best to make team members feel ownership over their duties and roles. The people who develop the BCP must also be the ones who implement it. If some critical tasks are expected to be performed during a time of crisis, additional attention should be given during the planning and testing phase.


×:The business continuity coordinator should work with management to appoint committee members.

This is incorrect because the BCP coordinator should work with management to appoint committee members. However, management’s involvement does not end there. The BCP team should work with management to finalize the goals of the plan, identify the critical parts of the business that must be handled first in the event of a disaster, and identify department and task priorities. Management also needs to help direct the team on the scope and specific goals of the project.


×:The team should consist of people from different departments within the company.

This is incorrect because the team should consist of people from different departments within the company. This will be the only way for the team to consider the risks and threats that each department faces according to the organization.

#4. Which of the following is a critical first step in disaster recovery and emergency response planning?

〇:Completing the Business Impact Analysis

Of the steps listed in this question, completing the Business Impact Analysis is the highest priority. The BIA is essential in determining the most critical business functions and identifying the threats associated with them. Qualitative and quantitative data must be collected, analyzed, interpreted, and presented to management.


×:Test and Drill Plan

Test and drill is wrong because it is part of the last step in disaster recovery and contingency planning. Because the environment is constantly changing, it is important to test your business continuity plan on a regular basis. Testing and disaster recovery drills and exercises should be performed at least once a year. The exercises should be done in sections or at specific times that require logistical planning, as most firms cannot afford these exercises to disrupt production or productivity.


×:Determining alternatives for off-site backup facilities

This is incorrect because it is part of the contingency strategy that is done in the middle of the disaster recovery and contingency planning process. In the event of a major disaster, an alternate off-site backup capability is required. Typically, contracts are established with third-party vendors to provide such services. The client pays a monthly fee to retain the right to use the facility when needed and then pays an activation fee when they need to use that facility.


×:Organize and prepare related documentation

This is incorrect because the relevant documentation is organized and created around the time the disaster recovery and contingency planning process is completed. Procedures should be documented. This is because time-consuming schedules are confusing when they are actually needed. Documentation should include information on how to install images, configure the operating system and server, and install utilities and proprietary software. Other documentation should include call trees and contact information for specific vendors, emergency agencies, off-site facilities, etc.

#5. Steve, the department manager, has been asked to participate on a committee responsible for defining acceptable levels of risk to the organization, reviewing risk assessments and audit reports, and approving significant changes to security policies and programs. Which committee do you participate on?

〇:Security Management Committee

Steve serves on the Security Steering Committee, which is responsible for making decisions on tactical and strategic security issues within the company. The committee consists of individuals from across the organization and should meet at least quarterly. In addition to the responsibilities outlined in this question, the Security Steering Committee is responsible for establishing a clearly defined vision statement that supports it in cooperation with the organizational intent of the business. It should provide support for the goals of confidentiality, integrity, and availability as they relate to the business goals of the organization. This vision statement should be supported by a mission statement that provides support and definition to the processes that apply to the organization and enable it to reach its business goals.

Each organization may call it by a different name, or they may be entrusted with a series of definition-to-approval processes for security. In this case, the term “operations” is the closest that comes to mind.


×:Security Policy Committee

This is incorrect because senior management is the committee that develops the security policy. Usually, senior management has this responsibility unless they delegate it to an officer or committee. The security policy determines the role that security plays within the organization. It can be organizational, issue specific, or system specific. The Governing Board does not directly create the policy, but reviews and approves it if acceptable.


×:Audit Committee

Incorrect because it provides independent and open communication between the Board of Directors, management, internal auditors, and external auditors. Its responsibilities include the system of internal controls, the engagement and performance of the independent auditors, and the performance of the internal audit function. The Audit Committee reports its findings to the Governing Board, but does not fail to oversee and approve the security program.


×:Risk Management Committee

Incorrect as it is to understand the risks facing the organization and work with senior management to bring the risks down to acceptable levels. This committee does not oversee the security program. The Security Steering Committee typically reports its findings to the Risk Management Committee on information security. The risk management committee should consider the entire business risk, not just the IT security risk.

#6. What is called taking reasonable action to prevent a security breach?

〇:Due Care

Confidentiality means that the company does everything it could reasonably have done to prevent a security breach under the circumstances and takes appropriate control and action in the event of a security breach. In short, it means that the company is acting responsibly by practicing common sense and prudent management. If a company has a facility that is not fire-immune, its arsonist will be only a small part of this tragedy. The company is responsible for providing fire-resistant building materials, alarms, exits, fire extinguishers, and backup fire detection and suppression systems, all critical information specific areas that could be affected by a fire. If a fire were to burn the company’s building and all records (customer data, inventory records, and information needed to rebuild the business) were to disappear, the company would not take precautions to ensure that it is protected against that loss. For example, it would be possible to back up to an off-site location. In this case, employees, shareholders, customers, and anyone else affected could potentially sue the company. However, if the company has done all that is expected of it in terms of the points mentioned so far, it is difficult to sue without success if proper care (dee care) is not taken.


×:Downstream Liability

Is wrong because one firm’s activities (or lack thereof) may have a negative impact on other firms. If either company fails to provide the required level of protection and its negligence affects the partners with whom it cooperates, the affected company can sue the upstream company. For example, suppose Company A and Company B have built an extranet. Company A has not implemented controls to detect and address viruses. Company A is infected with a harmful virus, which infects Company B through the extranet. The virus destroys critical data and causes a major disruption to Company B’s production. Company B can therefore sue Company A for negligence. This is an example of downstream liability.



Incorrect, as it generally refers to the obligation and expected behavior or actions of a particular party. Obligations can have a defined set of specific actions required, which is a more general and open approach that allows parties to determine how to fulfill specific obligations.


×:Due diligence

A better answer to this question. Liability is not considered a legal term as with the other answers. Due diligence is because the firm has properly investigated all of its possible weaknesses and vulnerabilities. Before you can understand how to properly protect yourself, you need to know that you are protecting yourself. To understand the real level of risk, investigate and assess the real level of vulnerability. Even after these steps and assessments have been made, effective controls and protective measures can be identified and implemented. Due diligence means identifying all potential risks, but an appropriate response is one that actually mitigates the risk.

#7. Smith, who lives in the United States, writes books. Copyright in the book is automatically granted and all rights are owned. How long is copyright protected after the creator’s death?

Copyright applies to books, art, music, software, etc. It is granted automatically and is valid for 70 years after the creator’s death and 95 years after creation. Therefore, the correct answer is “70 years”.

#8. Which of the following is not an official risk methodology created for the purpose of analyzing security risks?

〇:AS / NZS 4360

AS / NZS 4360 can be used for security risk analysis, but it was not created for that purpose. It takes a much broader approach to risk management than other risk assessment methods, such as NIST or OCTAVE, which focus on IT threats and information security risks. AS / NZS 4360 can be used to understand a firm’s financial, capital, personnel safety, and business decision-making risks.



Incorrect as there is no formal FAP risk analysis methodology.



Image B is incorrect because it focuses on IT threats and information security risks. OCTAVE is intended for use in situations that manage and direct information security risk assessments within an organization. Employees of an organization are empowered to determine the best way to assess security.


×:NIST SP 800-30

Wrong because it is specific to IT threats and how they relate to information threats. Focus is primarily on systems. Data is collected from network and security practices assessments and from people within the organization. Data is used as input values for the risk analysis steps outlined in the 800-30 document.

#9. Follow the guidelines to enable secure remote management. Which of the following is NOT one of those guidelines?

〇:Telnet must be used to send commands and data.

Telnet sends all data, including administrator credentials, in plain text and should not be allowed for remote administration. This type of communication should be via a more secure protocol, such as SSH.


×:Only a small number of administrators should be allowed to perform remote functions.

Wrong, as it is true that only a few administrators should be able to perform remote functions. This minimizes the risk to the network.


×:Critical systems should be managed locally, not remotely.

Wrong because it is true that critical systems need to be managed locally, not remotely. It is safer to send management commands on an internal private network than over a public network.


×:Strong authentication is required.

Wrong because it is true that strong authentication is required for any management activity. Anything weaker than strong authentication, such as a password, is easy for an attacker to break in and gain administrative access.

#10. Which attacks occur regardless of system architecture and installed software?

〇:Social Engineering

Social engineering is an attack that invites human error rather than system. It occurs regardless of system architecture and installed software.


×:DDoS Attacks

A DDoS attack is a mass DoS attack against a target website or server from multiple computers.



Ransomware is malware that freezes data by encrypting it and demands a ransom from the owner.


×:Zero-day attacks

A zero-day attack is an attack on a vulnerability that was disclosed before it was fixed.

#11. Vender Inc. does not want its logo to be used without permission. Which of the following would protect the logo and prevent others from copying and using it?


Intellectual property can be protected by several different laws, depending on the type of resource. Trademarks are used to protect words, names, symbols, sounds, shapes, colors, or combinations of these, such as logos. The reason a company registers one of these trademarks, or a combination of these trademarks, is to represent their company (brand identity) to the world. Therefore, the correct answer is “trademark”.



A patent is a monopoly right to use a technology for something that is very difficult to invent, such as a medicine.



A copyright is a right to something that is not technical, such as music or a book, but something that is thought up and created.


×:Trade Secrets

Trade secrets are information that is useful and confidential as a business activity, such as customer information, product technology and manufacturing methods.

#12. Who is not necessarily covered under the HITECH Act?

HIPAA covered entities and the organizations and individuals who assist them in their business are treated in the same manner as HIPAA covered entities. Health care providers, health information clearinghouses, and health insurance plans are covered entities. Developers of health apps are responsible as programmers rather than holders or plan holders of bodily information. They may not be covered by HITECH, which focuses on how body information is managed. Therefore, the correct answer is “health app developer”.

It is not necessary to know the detailed HITECH requirements. You can classify them based on whether or not you are dealing with information and answer the questions by process of elimination.

#13. Sue is charged with implementing several security controls to protect the company’s e-mail system, including antivirus and antispam software. What approach does her company take to address the risks posed by its systems?

〇:Risk Mitigation

Risk can be addressed in four basic ways: transfer, avoidance, mitigation, and acceptance. Sue reduces the risk posed by her e-mail system by implementing security controls such as antivirus and anti-spam software. This is also referred to as risk mitigation, where risk is reduced to a level considered acceptable. Risk can be mitigated by improving procedures, changing the environment, erecting barriers to threats, and implementing early detection techniques to stop threats when they occur and reduce damage.


×:Risk Acceptance

This is inappropriate because risk acceptance does not involve spending on protection or countermeasures such as anti-virus software. When accepting a risk, one should be aware of the level of risk faced and the potential damage costs and decide to keep it without implementing countermeasures. If the cost/benefit ratio indicates that the cost of countermeasures exceeds the potential losses, many companies will accept the risk.


×:Risk Avoidance

Wrong because it would mean discontinuing the activity that is causing the risk. In this case, Sue’s firm decides to continue using e-mail. A company may choose to terminate an activity that introduces risk if the risk outweighs the business needs of the activity. For example, a company may choose to block social media websites in some departments because of the risk to employee productivity.


×:Risk Transfer

This is incorrect because it involves sharing risk with other entities, as in the purchase of insurance to transfer some of the risk to the insurance company. Many types of insurance are available to firms to protect their assets. If a company determines that its total or excess risk is too high to gamble, it can purchase insurance.

#14. Which of the following is NOT included in the risk assessment?

〇:Cessation of activities that pose a risk.

This question is about choosing what is not included. Discontinuing an activity that introduces risk is a way to address risk through avoidance. For example, there are many risks surrounding the use of instant messaging (IM) within a company. If a company decides not to allow the use of IM because there is no business need to do so, banning this service is an example of risk avoidance. The risk assessment does not include the implementation of such measures. Therefore, the correct answer is “discontinue the activity that poses a risk”.


×:Asset Identification

This is incorrect because identifying the asset is part of the risk assessment and is required to identify what is not included in the risk assessment. To determine the value of an asset, the asset must first be identified. Identifying and valuing assets is another important task of risk management.


×:Threat Identification

This is incorrect because identifying threats is part of risk assessment and requires identifying what is not included in the risk assessment. A risk exists because a threat could exploit a vulnerability. If there are no threats, there are no risks. Risk links vulnerabilities, threats, and the resulting potential for exploitation to the business.


×:Risk analysis in order of cost

Analyzing risks in order of cost or criticality is part of the risk assessment process and is inappropriate because questions are asked to identify what is not included in the risk assessment. A risk assessment examines and quantifies the risks a company faces. Risks must be addressed in a cost-effective manner. Knowing the severity of the risk allows the organization to determine how to effectively address it.

#15. Which of the following is not an ethical item in the IAB (Internet Activities Board) Ethics for the Proper Use of Internet Resources?

This is a “non-ethics item” question.

A statement is made by the Internet Activities Board (IAB) to those who use the Internet about the correct use of Internet resources.

  • Attempting to obtain unauthorized access to Internet resources.
  • Disrupting the intended use of the Internet.
  • Wasting resources (people, capabilities, and computers) through such activities.
  • Destroying the integrity of computer-based information.
  • Violating the privacy of users.

#16. Which of the following is a core idea as a threat analysis by PASTA?

P.A.S.T.A. is a seven-step process to find ways to protect the value of your assets while analyzing your compliance and business. P.A.S.T.A. provides a roadmap. Threat management processes and policies can be discovered. The main focus is on finding threats, which is where risk-centric thinking and simulation come into play.

#17. They downloaded and ran an application via the Internet that looked useful, and now their computer won’t run at all. What type of malware is this?

〇:Trojan Horse

A Trojan horse is a seemingly harmless piece of malware that is contagious. Have you ever downloaded a nasty image and suddenly your computer stopped working?



Spyware is malware that looks harmless when it does its evil. It secretly takes information from your computer to the outside.



Viruses are malware that can spread without user intervention and attach itself to other programs. It looks harmless but does not match in that it downloads applications.


×:Data diddlers

A data diddler is malware that gradually changes data over time.

#18. Which of the following is the first international treaty to address computer crime by adjusting national laws and improving investigative techniques and international cooperation?

〇:Council of Europe Convention on Cybercrime

The Council of Europe (CoE) Convention on Cybercrime is an example of an attempt to create a standard international response to cybercrime. It is the first international treaty to address computer crime by coordinating national laws and improving investigative techniques and international cooperation. The treaty’s objectives include creating a framework to bind the jurisdiction of the accused and the perpetrators of the crimes. For example, extradition is possible only if the case is a crime in both countries.


×:World Congress Council on Cybercrime

The World Congress Council on Cybercrime is misleading and therefore wrong. The official name of the Convention is the Council of Europe’s Convention on Cybercrime. It establishes comprehensive legislation against cybercrime and serves as a framework for international cooperation among the signatories to the Convention to guide all countries.


×:Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD)

Image C is wrong because the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) is an international organization that brings together different governments to help address the economic, social, and governance challenges of a globalized economy. For this reason, the OECD has developed national guidelines to ensure that data is properly protected and that everyone adheres to the same kinds of rules.


×:Organization for Cooperation and Development in Cybercrime

Organization for Cooperation and Development of Cybercrime is the wrong answer. There is no formal entity of this name.

#19. Which of the following is not an acronym for CIA Triad?

CIA stands for Confidentiality, Integrity, and Availability.

#20. Which of the following is at the top of the security documentation?

A security document documents the security to be achieved.” To achieve “strong security” a clear definition is needed. Since the definition varies from organization to organization, it is necessary to put it in writing. There are five documents, with policy at the top, each of which is mandatory or optional.
