Domain 1 Exam.
A minimum of 70% is required to pass.
#1. It is not uncommon for business continuity plans to become outdated. What should you do to ensure that your plan does not become outdated?
〇:Business Continuity Processes Integrate Change Management Processes
Unfortunately, business continuity plans can quickly become outdated. An outdated BCP can give a company a false sense of security, which can be fatal if a disaster actually occurs. One of the simplest, most cost-effective, and process-efficient ways to keep your plan current is to incorporate it into your organization’s change management process. Are new applications, equipment, and services documented? Are updates and patches documented? The change management process should be updated to incorporate fields and triggers that alert the BCP team when significant changes occur and provide a means to update recovery documentation. Ensure that the BCP is kept up-to-date, and other measures include maintaining personnel evaluations of the plan and conducting regular training on using the plan, such as making business continuity part of all business decisions.
×:Update hardware, software, and application changes
Wrong because hardware, software, and application changes occur frequently; unless the BCP is part of a change management process, these changes are not included in the BCP. The BCP should be updated when changes to the environment occur. If it is not updated after a change, it is out of date.
×:Infrastructure and Environment Change Updates
Incorrect because infrastructure and environment changes occur frequently. Unless the BCP is part of a change management process, as with software, hardware, and application changes, infrastructure and environment changes are unlikely to result in a transition to the BCP.
×:Personnel changes
Incorrect, as the plan may become obsolete. It is not uncommon for BCPs to be abandoned when the person or persons responsible for maintenance leave the company. These responsibilities must be reassigned. To ensure this, maintenance responsibilities must be built into job descriptions and properly monitored.
#2. Which of the following is the first international treaty to address computer crime by adjusting national laws and improving investigative techniques and international cooperation?
〇:Council of Europe Convention on Cybercrime
The Council of Europe (CoE) Convention on Cybercrime is an example of an attempt to create a standard international response to cybercrime. It is the first international treaty to address computer crime by coordinating national laws and improving investigative techniques and international cooperation. The treaty’s objectives include creating a framework to bind the jurisdiction of the accused and the perpetrators of the crimes. For example, extradition is possible only if the case is a crime in both countries.
×:World Congress Council on Cybercrime
The World Congress Council on Cybercrime is misleading and therefore wrong. The official name of the Convention is the Council of Europe’s Convention on Cybercrime. It establishes comprehensive legislation against cybercrime and serves as a framework for international cooperation among the signatories to the Convention to guide all countries.
×:Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD)
Image C is wrong because the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) is an international organization that brings together different governments to help address the economic, social, and governance challenges of a globalized economy. For this reason, the OECD has developed national guidelines to ensure that data is properly protected and that everyone adheres to the same kinds of rules.
×:Organization for Cooperation and Development in Cybercrime
Organization for Cooperation and Development of Cybercrime is the wrong answer. There is no formal entity of this name.
#3. Management support is critical to the success of a business continuity plan. Which of the following is most important to provide to management in order to obtain support?
〇:Business Case
The most important part of establishing and maintaining a current continuity plan is management support. Management may need to be convinced of the need for such a plan. Therefore, a business case is needed to obtain this support. The business case should include current vulnerabilities, legal obligations, current status of the recovery plan, and recommendations. Management is generally most interested in cost-benefit issues, so preliminary figures can be gathered and potential losses estimated. Decisions about how a company should recover are business decisions and should always be treated as such.
×:Business Impact Analysis
Incorrect because the Business Impact Analysis (BIA) was conducted after the BCP team gained management’s support for its efforts. A BIA is conducted to identify areas of greatest financial or operational loss in the event of a disaster or disruption. It identifies the company’s critical systems required for survival and estimates the amount of downtime the company can tolerate as a result of a disaster or disruption.
×:Risk Analysis
Incorrect, as this is a method of identifying risks and assessing the potential damage that could be caused to justify security protection measures. In the context of BCP, risk analysis methods should be used in a BIA to identify which processes, devices, or operations are critical and should be recovered first.
×:Threat reports
The answer is wrong because it is unintended. However, it is important for management to understand what the actual threats are to the enterprise, the consequences of those threats, and the potential loss value for each threat. Without this understanding, management pays lip service to continuity planning and in some cases may be worse than if it did not plan because of the false awareness of security it creates.
#4. Which attacks occur regardless of system architecture and installed software?
〇:Social Engineering
Social engineering is an attack that invites human error rather than system. It occurs regardless of system architecture and installed software.
×:DDoS Attacks
A DDoS attack is a mass DoS attack against a target website or server from multiple computers.
Ransomware is malware that freezes data by encrypting it and demands a ransom from the owner.
×:Zero-day attacks
A zero-day attack is an attack on a vulnerability that was disclosed before it was fixed.
#5. What is the difference between awareness and trainning?
Awareness is to inform the organization’s members of the information they already have in order to make them more vigilant again. Tranning is the input of information that is unknown to the members of the organization. Therefore, the difference between awareness-raising and tranning is whether the target audience is already aware of the information.
#6. NIST defines best practices for creating a continuity plan. Which phases identify and prioritize critical functions and systems?
〇:Conduct business impact analysis
While no specific scientific equation must be followed to create a continuity plan, certain best practices have been proven over time. The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) organization is responsible for developing and documenting many of these best practices so that they are readily available to all. NIST outlines seven steps in Special Publication 800-34 Rev 1, Continuity Planning Guide for Federal Information Systems. Conduct a business impact analysis. Identify preventive controls. Develop a contingency strategy. Develop an information systems contingency plan. Ensure testing, training, and exercises of the plan. Ensure the plan is maintained. Conduct a business impact analysis by identifying critical functions and systems and prioritize them as needed. It also includes identifying vulnerabilities and threats and calculating risks.
×:Identify preventive controls
Wrong because critical functions and systems are prioritized and preventive controls need to be identified after their vulnerabilities, threats, and identified risks (all of which are part of a business impact analysis). Conducting a business impact analysis involves step 2, which is to create a continuity plan, and step 3, which is to identify preventive controls.
×:Develop a Continuity Plan Policy Statement
This is incorrect because you need to create a policy that provides the guidance needed to develop a business continuity plan and assigns authority to the roles needed to perform these tasks. This is the first step in creating a business continuity plan and is done before identifying and prioritizing critical systems and functions that are part of the business impact analysis.
×:Create contingency strategies
Creating a contingency strategy is incorrect because it requires formulating a method to ensure that systems and critical functions are brought online quickly. Before this can be done, a business impact analysis must be performed to determine critical systems and functions and prioritize them during recovery.
#7. There are three core rules in the U.S. HIPAA. Which of the following is NOT a core rule?
The Health Insurance Interoperability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) has three rules: the Privacy Rule, the Security Rule, and the Breach Notification Rule. The rules mandate administrative, physical, and technical safeguards.
#8. Which of the following is a correct action-directed defense?
〇:Regular training to change employee attitudes
Behavior-directed controls are intended to direct the behavior required of employees as part of organizational management. Regular training that changes employee awareness falls under the action-directed type. Therefore, the correct answer is “Regular training to change employee attitudes”.
×:Remotely directed defenses using drone audits
This falls under reinforcing (compensating) defensive measures.
×:Defensive measures to be behavioral psychological barriers due to physical barriers
This is a physical (physically) defensive measure.
×:Developing recurrence prevention measures to review certain actions
This is a corrective measure.
#9. Vender Inc. does not want its logo to be used without permission. Which of the following would protect the logo and prevent others from copying and using it?
Intellectual property can be protected by several different laws, depending on the type of resource. Trademarks are used to protect words, names, symbols, sounds, shapes, colors, or combinations of these, such as logos. The reason a company registers one of these trademarks, or a combination of these trademarks, is to represent their company (brand identity) to the world. Therefore, the correct answer is “trademark”.
A patent is a monopoly right to use a technology for something that is very difficult to invent, such as a medicine.
A copyright is a right to something that is not technical, such as music or a book, but something that is thought up and created.
×:Trade Secrets
Trade secrets are information that is useful and confidential as a business activity, such as customer information, product technology and manufacturing methods.
#10. What role does the Internet Architecture Committee play with respect to technology and ethics?
〇:To issue ethics-related statements on the use of the Internet.
The Internet Architecture Board (IAB) is the coordinating committee for the design, engineering, and management of the Internet. It is responsible for monitoring and appealing Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) activities, the Internet standards process, and the architecture of Request for Comments (RFC) editors. The IAB issues ethics-related statements on the use of the Internet. The Internet is a resource that depends on availability and accessibility and is considered useful to a wide range of people. Primarily, irresponsible behavior on the Internet may threaten its existence or adversely affect others.
×:Develop guidelines for criminal sentencing.
The IAB is incorrect because it has nothing to do with the Federal Court Guidelines, which are the rules judges use in determining the appropriate punitive sentence for certain felonies or misdemeanors committed by individuals or businesses. The Guidelines serve as the uniform sentencing policy for entities committing felonies and/or gross misdemeanors in the U.S. federal court system.
×:Edit RFC.
The Internet Architecture Board is responsible for editing RFCs (Request for Comments), which is incorrect because this task is not ethics-related. This answer is a distraction.
×:Maintain the Ten Commandments of Computer Ethics.
This is incorrect because the Institute for Computer Ethics, not the IAB, develops and maintains the Ten Commandments of Computer Ethics. The Institute for Computer Ethics is a non-profit organization that works to advance technology through ethical means.
#11. Which of the following is NOT related to data integrity?
〇:Extraction of data shared with unauthorized entities
This is a problem of selecting unrelated items. Extraction of data shared with unauthorized entities is a confidentiality issue. Although it is complicatedly worded, the operations on the data are unauthorized and extraction, and none of them include the destruction of data, which is the primary focus of integrity. Therefore, the correct answer is “extraction of data shared with unauthorized entities.
In solving this problem, it is not necessary to know what an entity is. The focus is on whether any modification or destruction has taken place.
×:Unauthorized manipulation or alteration of data
Mistake. Because integrity is associated with unauthorized manipulation or alteration of data. Integrity is maintained when unauthorized modification is prevented. Hardware, software, and communication mechanisms must work together to correctly maintain and process data and move data to its intended destination without unexpected changes. Systems and networks must be protected from outside interference and contamination.
×:Unauthorized data modification
Unauthorized data modification is a mistake as it relates to integrity. Integrity is about protecting data, not changing it by users or other systems without authorization.
×:Intentional or accidental data substitution
Incorrect because intentional or accidental data substitution is associated with integrity. Integrity is maintained when assurances of the accuracy and reliability of information and systems are provided along with assurances that data will not be tampered with by unauthorized entities. An environment that enforces integrity prevents attacks, for example, the insertion of viruses, logic bombs, or backdoors into the system that could corrupt or replace data. Users typically incorrectly affect the integrity of the system and its data (internal users may also perform malicious acts). For example, a user may insert incorrect values into a data processing application and charge a customer $3,000 instead of $300.
#12. A company is looking to migrate to an original or new site. Which phase of business continuity planning do you proceed with?
〇:Reconfiguration Phase
When a firm returns to its original or new site, the firm is ready to enter the reconfiguration phase. The firm has not entered the emergency state until it is operating at the original primary site or until it returns to the new site that was built to replace the primary site. If a firm needs to return from the replacement site to the original site, a number of logistical issues must be considered. Some of these issues include ensuring employee safety, proper communication and connection methods are working, and properly testing the new environment.
The definition of a rebuilding phase needs to be imagined and answered in the question text. It will test your language skills to see how it reads semantically rather than lexically correct.
×:Recovery Phase
Incorrect because it involves preparing an off-site facility (if needed), rebuilding networks and systems, and organizing staff to move to the new facility. To get the company up and running as quickly as possible, the recovery process needs to be as structured as possible. Templates should be developed during the planning phase. It can be used by each team during the recovery phase to take the necessary steps and document the results. The template keeps the team on task and quickly communicates to the team leader about progress, obstacles, and potential recovery time.
×:Project Initiation Phase
This is incorrect because it is how the actual business continuity plan is initiated. It does not occur during the execution of the plan. The Project Initiation Phase includes obtaining administrative support, developing the scope of the plan, and securing funding and resources.
×:Damage Assessment Phase
Incorrect because it occurs at the start of the actual implementation of the business continuity procedures. The damage assessment helps determine if the business continuity plan should be implemented based on the activation criteria predefined by the BCP coordinator and team. After the damage assessment, the team will move into recovery mode if one or more of the situations listed in the criteria occur.
#13. Matthew, the company’s business continuity coordinator, helps recruit members to the Business Continuity Plan (BCP) Committee. Which of the following is an incorrect explanation?
〇:Meetings should be conducted with a fixed number of members and should be as small as possible.
The BCP committee should be large enough to represent each department within the organization. It should consist of people who are familiar with the different departments within the company, as each department has unique functions and unique risks and threats. All issues and threats will be formulated when they are brought in and discussed. This cannot be done effectively with a few divisions or a few people. The committee must consist of at least business unit, senior management, IT, security, communications, and legal personnel.
Conducting meetings with a fixed number of members and as few as possible is certainly not a misinterpretation of “elite few. However, one must know what is the “best” answer and answer it.
×:Committee members should be involved in the planning, testing, and implementation phases.
The answer is incorrect because it is correct that committee members need to be involved in the planning, testing, and implementation phases. If Matthew, the coordinator of the BCP, is a good business leader, he will consider that it is best to make team members feel ownership over their duties and roles. The people who develop the BCP must also be the ones who implement it. If some critical tasks are expected to be performed during a time of crisis, additional attention should be given during the planning and testing phase.
×:The business continuity coordinator should work with management to appoint committee members.
This is incorrect because the BCP coordinator should work with management to appoint committee members. However, management’s involvement does not end there. The BCP team should work with management to finalize the goals of the plan, identify the critical parts of the business that must be handled first in the event of a disaster, and identify department and task priorities. Management also needs to help direct the team on the scope and specific goals of the project.
×:The team should consist of people from different departments within the company.
This is incorrect because the team should consist of people from different departments within the company. This will be the only way for the team to consider the risks and threats that each department faces according to the organization.
#14. Which of the following is an incorrect mapping of information security standards published jointly by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) and the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC)?
〇:ISO / IEC 27005 – Guidelines for Bodies Providing Audits and Certification of Information Security Management Systems
The ISO / IEC 27005 standard is a guideline for information security risk management. ISO / IEC 27005 is an international standard on how risk management should be implemented within the framework of an ISMS.
×:ISO / IEC 27002 – Code of practice for information security management
This is not correct because it is a code of practice for information security management. Therefore, it has the correct mapping. ISO / IEC 27002 provides best practice recommendations and guidelines for starting, implementing, or maintaining an ISMS.
×:ISO / IEC 27003 – ISMS Implementation Guidelines
This is incorrect as it is a guideline for ISMS implementation. Therefore, it has the correct mapping. Focuses on the key aspects necessary for the successful design and implementation of an ISMS according to ISO / IEC 27001:2005. It describes the ISMS specification and design process from its inception to the creation of an implementation plan.
×:ISO / IEC 27004 – Guidelines for Information Security Management Measurement and Metrics Framework
This is incorrect because it is a guideline for an information security management measurement and metrics framework. Therefore, it has the correct mapping. It provides guidance on the development and use of measures to assess the effectiveness of an ISMS and a group of controls or controls, as specified in ISO / IEC 27001.
#15. Which of the following are effective methods that you as a software system administrator can implement to prevent significant damage?
〇:Regular software updates
You are the system administrator. As an administrator, what you should be doing is updating software on a regular basis. Therefore, the correct answer is “regular software updates.
There may be some that you should implement, but choosing the better of the two will also be tested in the actual exam.
×:Sophisticated product selection
In most cases, products that meet the requirements will be selected in accordance with the Request for Proposal (RFP) presented by the customer. Existing system administrators may be involved in some of these discussions, but this is not an appropriate response.
×:Early reporting to your supervisor
In all jobs, reporting to the supervisor is probably an essential part of the job. Here, however, it is more appropriate to focus on your position as a software system administrator.
×:Human resources to monitor the system
A resident system may allow you to deal with problems in a timely manner. However, here, it is more appropriate to focus on the position as a system administrator of the software.
#16. Follow the guidelines to enable secure remote management. Which of the following is NOT one of those guidelines?
〇:Telnet must be used to send commands and data.
Telnet sends all data, including administrator credentials, in plain text and should not be allowed for remote administration. This type of communication should be via a more secure protocol, such as SSH.
×:Only a small number of administrators should be allowed to perform remote functions.
Wrong, as it is true that only a few administrators should be able to perform remote functions. This minimizes the risk to the network.
×:Critical systems should be managed locally, not remotely.
Wrong because it is true that critical systems need to be managed locally, not remotely. It is safer to send management commands on an internal private network than over a public network.
×:Strong authentication is required.
Wrong because it is true that strong authentication is required for any management activity. Anything weaker than strong authentication, such as a password, is easy for an attacker to break in and gain administrative access.
#17. Which of the following formulas is closest to the risk relationship?
Risk is the multiplication of threats and vulnerabilities. If the threat is at least as great as the vulnerability is fatal, it is a significant impact, or risk. Therefore, the best illustration of the relationship between the four rules is the multiplier.
#18. There are several calculation methods used to evaluate the value of an asset. Which of the following is NOT used to determine the value of an asset?
〇:Level of insurance required to cover assets.
This question is about choosing what is not used. There are several ways to calculate asset value (AV, Asset Value): the market approach, which refers to similar assets in the market, the income approach, which measures it by the profit it will earn in the future, and the cost approach, which measures it by the cost spent on the asset. The level of insurance needed to cover an asset is a decision made after identifying the asset value and conducting an appropriate risk analysis, allowing the organization to more easily determine the level of insurance coverage to purchase for that asset. Therefore, the correct answer is “level of insurance required to cover the asset”.
×:Value of the asset in the external market.
The technique of referring to similar assets in the market is known as the market approach.
×:Initial costs and outlay for purchasing, licensing, and supporting the asset.
The method of measuring by the cost spent on an asset is known as the cost approach.
×:The value of the asset to the organization’s production operations.
The method of measuring by the profit that will be earned in the future is known as the revenue approach.
#19. Which international organizations are in place to help address the economic, social, and governance challenges of a globalized economy?
〇:Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development
Almost every country has its own set of rules regarding what constitutes private data and how it should be protected. With the advent of the digital and information age, these different laws have begun to adversely affect business and international trade. Thus, the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) created guidelines for different countries to ensure that data is properly protected and that everyone follows the same rules.
An organization that studies fraudulent financial reporting and which elements lead to them is fraudulent because the Committee of Sponsoring Organizations of the Treadway Commission (COSO) was established in 1985. The acronym COSO refers to a model of corporate governance that addresses IT at the strategic level, corporate culture, and financial accounting principles.
×:COBIT (Control Objectives for Information and Related Technology)
Incorrect, as this framework defines control objectives to ensure that IT is properly managed and that IT is responsive to business needs. It is an international open standard that provides control and security requirements for sensitive data and reference frameworks.
×:International Organization for Standardization (ISO)
Incorrect because it is an international standards organization composed of representatives of national standards bodies. Its purpose is to establish global standardization. But its standardization goes beyond the privacy of data moving across international borders. For example, some standards address quality control; others address assurance and security.
#20. Which of the following attacks are related to availability?
〇:DDoS attacks
Availability is one of the properties of the CIA triad that indicates service continuity. An attack that threatens the continuity of service corresponds to a DDoS attack that sends a large number of requests and causes a service outage. Therefore, the correct answer is “DDoS attack”.
×: Wheeling
Whaling is a spear-phishing attack that targets a socially recognized person or organization.
TOC/TOU is a software bug that occurs when the system is modified between the time a condition is checked and the time the results of that check are used. In many cases, the attack replaces one file with another between looking for the file and reading the file.
RAM (Random Access Memory) is memory used for CPU and screen displays, etc. DRAM is RAM that is only stored for short periods of time and requires periodic refreshing.